This "Kitchen Tile Flooring Ideas Pictures" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include Pioneer Village, Petrified Oak, Namakabe Brown, Camel Hide, Cape Palliser, Cab Sav, Sunny Pavement, Tamarind, Powdered Cocoa, Cloudy Blue, Calcareous Sinter, Light Blue Mist, Dwarf Fortress, Air of Mint, Honey Ginger, Golden Oak, Track and Field, Rosso Corsa, Chi-Gong, Benthic Black. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#a89078 | rgb (168, 144, 120) | Pioneer Village | |
#907860 | rgb (144, 120, 96) | Petrified Oak | |
#786048 | rgb (120, 96, 72) | Namakabe Brown | |
#c0a890 | rgb (192, 168, 144) | Camel Hide | |
#784830 | rgb (120, 72, 48) | Cape Palliser | |
#483030 | rgb (72, 48, 48) | Cab Sav | |
#d8d8d8 | rgb (216, 216, 216) | Sunny Pavement | |
#301818 | rgb (48, 24, 24) | Tamarind | |
#301800 | rgb (48, 24, 0) | Powdered Cocoa | |
#a8c0d8 | rgb (168, 192, 216) | Cloudy Blue | |
#d8f0ff | rgb (216, 240, 255) | Calcareous Sinter | |
#c0d8f0 | rgb (192, 216, 240) | Light Blue Mist | |
#180000 | rgb (24, 0, 0) | Dwarf Fortress | |
#d8f0f0 | rgb (216, 240, 240) | Air of Mint | |
#a86018 | rgb (168, 96, 24) | Honey Ginger | |
#c07830 | rgb (192, 120, 48) | Golden Oak | |
#d81818 | rgb (216, 24, 24) | Track and Field | |
#d80000 | rgb (216, 0, 0) | Rosso Corsa | |
#d83030 | rgb (216, 48, 48) | Chi-Gong | |
#000018 | rgb (0, 0, 24) | Benthic Black |