This "Tiles For Garage Floor Philippines" graphic has 20 dominated colors, which include Sunny Pavement, Monarch Migration, Brick Red, Streusel Cake, Light Blue Mist, Dwarven Bronze, Amber Brown, Island Monkey, Hokey Pokey, North Rim, Bewitching, Native Hue of Resolution, Tomorokoshi Yellow, Dark Brazilian Topaz, Cloudy Blue, Bazaar, Fife, Chocolate Brown, Auburn Lights, Shu Red. It makes so beautiful color combination inspired from this image.
Color | Hex | RGB | Name |
#d8d8d8 | rgb (216, 216, 216) | Sunny Pavement | |
#c07848 | rgb (192, 120, 72) | Monarch Migration | |
#901800 | rgb (144, 24, 0) | Brick Red | |
#d8a860 | rgb (216, 168, 96) | Streusel Cake | |
#c0d8f0 | rgb (192, 216, 240) | Light Blue Mist | |
#c06030 | rgb (192, 96, 48) | Dwarven Bronze | |
#a86048 | rgb (168, 96, 72) | Amber Brown | |
#a84818 | rgb (168, 72, 24) | Island Monkey | |
#c09030 | rgb (192, 144, 48) | Hokey Pokey | |
#d8a890 | rgb (216, 168, 144) | North Rim | |
#784860 | rgb (120, 72, 96) | Bewitching | |
#d83000 | rgb (216, 48, 0) | Native Hue of Resolution | |
#f0c060 | rgb (240, 192, 96) | Tomorokoshi Yellow | |
#904830 | rgb (144, 72, 48) | Dark Brazilian Topaz | |
#a8c0d8 | rgb (168, 192, 216) | Cloudy Blue | |
#907878 | rgb (144, 120, 120) | Bazaar | |
#a8a8c0 | rgb (168, 168, 192) | Fife | |
#481800 | rgb (72, 24, 0) | Chocolate Brown | |
#783030 | rgb (120, 48, 48) | Auburn Lights | |
#f06000 | rgb (240, 96, 0) | Shu Red |